Dutch Heritage Day

Today is Liberation Day in the Netherlands. In Canada we commemorate this day as Dutch Heritage Day, a day to honour the sacrifices made by Canadian veterans in the liberation of the Netherlands during the Second World War. It is also a day to celebrate the many contributions the over 1 million Canadians of Dutch descent have made to Canada.

As a Dutch-Canadian whose parents immigrated in the 1960's, I feel profoundly grateful to the Canadian soldiers who liberated my own family. Happy Dutch Heritage Day! Happy Liberation Day!


Vandaag is Bevrijdingsdag in Nederland. In Canada herdenken we deze dag als Dutch Heritage Day, een dag van eerbetoon aan de Canadese veteranen die deelnamen in de bevrijding van Nederland tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog. We vieren vandaag ook de vele bijdragen die de ruim 1 miljoen Canadezen van Nederlandse afkomst gemaakt hebben aan Canada.

Als Canadees-Nederlander wiens ouders naar Canada emigreerden in de jaren 60, ben ik de Canadese soldaten die mijn eigen familie hebben bevrijd hartelijk dankbaar. Happy Dutch Heritage Day! Fijne Bevrijdingsdag!

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  • Daniel S
    commented 2023-02-27 11:03:51 -0500
    Dutch Heritage Day 2023 is coming around the corner! My family is Dutch and settled in Ontario in the mid-1800s so I take this day very seriously. My grandfather started a masonry company here in Ottawa back in the 1930s. My either friend who does masonry in Ottawa for https://www.stonemasonryottawa.ca/ is also Dutch. I guess the Dutch are just really good with working with stone for some reason. Anyway, I digress. To anyone waiting to celebrate Dutch Heritage 2023 I’m with you! Woo!

    #dutch #heritage #netherlands #canada #ottawa #ontario
  • Aryan Bajpai
    published this page in In the Community 2022-08-18 17:26:04 -0400
  • Aryan Bajpai
    published this page in In the Community 2022-08-18 17:26:03 -0400